Thursday, March 13, 2014

Why I Teach....

We complain and we whine and we love our kids.  We are thrown many curve balls in any given day.  We are blamed for society's woes and illnesses.  But, it is letters like these that make my day and make me realize why I do what I do.  Why I do NOT want to be an administrator, and why I do NOT want to be anywhere other than where I am.  I am a teacher.   And, I LOVE it (even after 25 years).

Hi Ms. W,
    I just wanted to let you know (even though I'm not your student anymore) that I'm doing a TED talk! I recently gave an "I Believe" speech in my English 9 class, and it ended up getting more attention than I thought it would. My teacher told me that I HAD to share my speech with more people. I sent her a recording of my speech, which she then forwarded to the librarian, who happens to be an organizer of this program called TEDx Youth in Ann Arbor. It has a committee of people from schools around Ann Arbor and they take high school students as volunteers to share their ideas with others. I met with the librarian (Dr. Sara Duvall), who wanted me to share my speech at the event on Saturday, March 22nd. I ended up agreeing to do it, so now I'm doing a live TED talk (kind of a smaller, toned-down version) at Skyline! The point of this message is that while it might have seemed like I wasn't really listening  to the TED talks in advisory when you played them, sometimes I did (when I was there). In the back of my mind, I kind of knew that I wanted to do one, but I had no clue about what. Now I know. So thank you for being my favorite teacher (twice, along with advisory teacher and Chicago chaperone) and for forcing the TED talks into my mind, because without that, I wouldn't be who I am today.
                                                                            Sincerely,  XXXX